Title: “100-Day Plan for New Administrators – School Story Podcast Transcript” Hosts: Spencer Campbell and Stewart Hudnall Transcript: Spencer Campbell: Welcome back to the School Story podcast. I’m Spencer Campbell, principal of a middle...
Title: “Exploring Leadership Styles in Education – School Story Podcast Transcript” Hosts: Stewart Hudnall and Spencer Campbell Transcript: Stewart Hudnall: Welcome back to School Story, where educational leaders gather to share, learn, and grow....
Title: “Book Study on ‘Permission to Feel’ by Mark Brackett, PhD” Transcript: Welcome back to another book study from School Story. The book we’re discussing today is “Permission to Feel” by Mark Brackett, PhD. In a world...
Welcome back. My name is Stewart Hudnall; we got another episode of School Story today. We’re doing another educator book review. I’m really excited about this one. This is one of my favorite books; it’s called “Culturize” by Mr Jimmy...
Welcome back to another episode of School Story. Today we are doing a book study. Dive into the book How to Know a Person by David Brooks. We’re going to look at the book and see how we can apply it to schools. So the book is an in-depth discussion and it...
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.